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The fruit of our dreams

There are some things you simply never tire of. For me, one of them is driving into work each morning. I never cease to be both amazed and appreciative when I approach the campus and I see the gleaming pink granite of our Texas Children’s buildings. Even after all these years, I can still so...

A mission to the moon … and beyond

Many of you have heard the well-known story of President John F. Kennedy and his encounter with a janitor while touring NASA in the 1960s. As President Kennedy walked through the facility, he introduced himself to staff and asked about their respective roles at the space center. Each quickly obliged, offering an official title or...

Photo credit: corbis images

United we stand

I note the obvious differences in the human family. Some of us are serious, some thrive on comedy. Some declare their lives are lived as true profundity, and others claim they really live the real reality.   The variety of our skin tones can confuse, bemuse, delight, brown and pink and beige and purple, tan...

Dwell in possibility

It is the beginning of a new year, and what I appreciate about January is that so many people have such a renewed energy. There is a fresh note of promise ushered in that reinvigorates people around postponed goals and good intentions. The new year is a welcome reset button for many, and if a...