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Reflecting on Freedom

It was on June 19, 1865 that enslaved African-Americans in Texas gained their freedom. Freedom—what a powerful word—freedom. Juneteenth is typically a day of celebration with loved ones, get togethers and parades. But this year looks a little different. Between the uncertainty that COVID-19 has created in our daily lives, to the state of grief...

We are the change that we seek

Black Lives Matter and Texas Children’s will continue to lead and support initiatives for racial equality throughout our organization. Given where our country stands, and what I know many of you are thinking and feeling, I want you to know where I stand as your President and CEO and how deeply this issue resonates with...

What are you doing to help somebody today?

In 1954, Texas Children’s was founded to serve all children – regardless of their race, religion, creed or ability to pay. Jim Abercrombie and Leopold Meyer set this clear intention as the guiding principle of Texas Children’s, and we have lived by those principles each and every day. At our core, we are an inclusive...

It’s resolved … we are One Amazing Team!

A mere three months ago, our world changed almost overnight due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As each of us adjust to the new realities of this pandemic and continue to face unprecedented challenges ahead, there’s one thing I am reminded of every day – Texas Children’s is a sturdy and resilient organization. As I have...