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Leadership Maxim series humbles and inspires

Wow! Another installment of my Leadership Maxims series has come to a close, and I am so impressed by your participation and thoughts on leadership. Hearing how you lead and what you look for in an effective leader has both energized and humbled me. This series gives me a chance to share my Leadership Maxims...

Attitude makes a difference

Written by Guest Blogger: Shannon Holland

Maxim No. 5: The key characteristics to look for when selecting people are a winning attitude and a strong work ethic. I didn’t realize it at the time, but when I joined the Texas Children’s family in January of 2004, I embarked on a career- and life-changing journey. The journey has been full of growth,...

Striving for excellence

Written by Guest Blogger: Kristi Lemmert

Maxim No. 4: We all should have our own definition of leadership. When I think of what leadership means, I am struck by how often our society paints it to be “the people in charge of making all of the decisions,” or “the people with all of the power.” True leadership is not about power...

Taking ownership

Written by Guest Blogger: Gary Bradshaw

Maxim No. 3: We lead in our professional lives and in our personal lives. As both a senior project manager with Patient and Family Services, and a father, Maxim No 3: We lead in our professional lives and in our personal lives, spoke to me with a certain resonance.  While I try to abide by...