When you love what you do

October 12, 2015 | (10) Comments

When my children, Ben and Emily, were young, one of my greatest hopes for them was that as adults, they would do something that they could be completely passionate about.

I think for the most part, they are living that. Ben works in sales, and he’s really quite good at it. And Emily is an amazing mom to five young children – I don’t have to tell you what an incredible job that is. Although their daily work is different, I know they both get up every morning excited about the day, and that’s all that I could have hoped for.

Believe it or not, that’s my same hope for each Texas Children’s employee. I’m excited every day that I walk through the doors of Texas Children’s Hospital, and I’m happiest when I know you share that excitement. When you are fulfilled, enjoying your work and teeming with passion and ideas, that’s when we as an organization are at our best. That’s why I was so excited last week about the news that we’d been recognized as the No. 5 Best Place to Work in Houston by the Houston Business Journal among companies with more than 1,000 employees. HBJ BPTW logo

For 10 consecutive years, your voice has landed Texas Children’s among the city’s top employers, and this year’s designation is the seventh time we’ve been recognized among the top five. And when I say your voice landed us here, it’s true. Companies were scored and selected to be on the list of Best Places to Work based on responses from anonymous surveys completed by employees like you. Employees rated their companies in areas like organizational goals, leadership, advancement opportunities, recognition and compensation, and the company’s climate for embracing innovation and ideas.

One employee who took the survey indicated that Texas Children’s Hospital had been his employer for 27 years and that he liked his job so much he planned to retire here. Other employees expressed similar sentiments, but the most telling testament of who we are as an organization actually came from someone outside of Texas Children’s. Sarah Maytum, our Director of Patient and Family Services, represented Texas Children’s at the Best Places to Work celebration luncheon. As Sarah approached the stage, one of the presenters handed her the award and whispered, “Thank you for saving my two children.”

What better recognition is there? Of course, Sarah didn’t personally provide the care for those patients, but she took great pride in acknowledging the sentiment, as I’m sure many of you would. I sure did. Because we are part of an organization that has that kind of impact on families’ lives. It’s what we do, and it’s who we are. How many people can say that about their work or their organization?

Once you work here, you understand what we have at the core of Texas Children’s – our infinite passion, our unified focus on our mission, our drive to advance the field, and our care for and service to each other and to our patients and their families. That’s why we’re no. 5 on the list of Best Places to Work in Houston. But more importantly, it’s why we’re no. 1 to parents like the one who thanked Sarah last week.

Thank you for all you do to make our organization what it is today. Congratulations Texas Children’s!

10 Responses to “When you love what you do”

  1. Alma Martinez

    It is a privilege to be a part of this great organization. It has been my second home for almost 23 years! The people that I have met and what I have seen during my tenure have forever changed my life — thank you Texas Children’s.


  2. jt hines

    we really appreciate you coming out to the warehouse today.people really dont no are accept the things that the warehouse provide.i am a shiftleader on first shift and i encourage the guys to push through every single day,and we all do.i want to one day move up to the level of person u are and the man u are.thank u .you are an amazing leader

  3. Heather Jones

    When you love what you do, you stand a chance to be inspiring, creative, and to truly make a difference in the lives of those around you. I love being a part of this organization!
    Congratulations Mr. Wallace, it is evident that you love what you do!

  4. Sarah Maytum

    It was an honor to accept Texas Children’s Best Places to Work award on behalf of all employees last week. In the 16 years that I have worked here, I have encountered countless families in the community who express their appreciation for our care and service. However, this woman’s comment about saving her children was so unexpected in that moment, and I was struck by the enormity of the work that we do each day. This experience reminded me that the impact of Texas Children’s, and that of each individual employee, is greater than any of us could possibly know. And that is why it is an incredible place to work! Congratulations Texas Children’s.

  5. Angela Hudson

    There are so many days that I go home excited to tell my husband and son about the work that I did that day. As an employee in Marketing/PR, my days are fast-paced and diverse, and I work with some of the most awesome people within the organization and on my team. I wasn’t one of those people who began my career with a “dream job” specifically defined, but I know, without a doubt, that Texas Children’s is where I was meant to be, and this is the work I am meant to do in this moment. I feel blessed to love what I do!

  6. Jake Kushner

    Mr. Wallace — bravo. This honor is a wonderful testament to the culture that you have created and that we work so hard to build and maintain. I see Texas Children’s as an amazing “vessel” that holds and supports people in their professional lives. My life was forever changed when I came to Texas Children’s Hospital. I am so grateful for the opportunity to make a difference for children, adolescents, and young adults in need. Sincerely, Jake

  7. Amber Tabora

    To work at Texas Children’s is to have purpose. There’s not a person on my team who doesn’t care intensely about what he or she is doing–and that’s true for people all over the organization. Everywhere I encounter warm, dedicated and driven individuals who want to help improve the lives of our patients and make Texas Children’s better every day. It’s so much more than a job here, and I am so grateful to be part of this one amazing team.

  8. Alvin Perkins

    To work for Texas Childrens Hospital is a priviledge not many people experience. I have been here for 36yrs and every day is an opportunity to help some patient that comes thru the OR. I find myself at home thinking about how to improve ways to help support patient care in the OR. I work for Supply Chain and I always make sure I have stock on all supplies needed for the Surgical procedures that takes place in the OR. Thanks to Mr. Wallace for helping to build Texas Childrens into an organization that you would be proud to be a part of!

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